The unified genetic and selection complex (UGSC) was established in Siberia mainly in the 70-80-ies of the last century under scientific supervision of Central Research Institute of Forest Genetics and Selection (nowadays Research Institute of Forest Genetic and Selection - RIFGS) and academic institutions such as Biological Institute, V.N.Sukachev Institute of Forest and Wood of SB USSR a.o. The inventory of the objects of UGSC of Siberian Federal County permitted to reveal that from the time of selection of elite trees of forest species, their number reduced by 27%, from 6484 to 4740 pieces, the area of created seed plantations (SP) reduced by 20%, from 1142.3 to 907.9 ha. Scientific objects occupy areas such as provenance trials 94.9 ha and experimental cultures 67.1 ha. Elite trees have been used on plantations not more than 50%, as for certification of SP it has been completed at 60%. Practically, there is no system of seed harvesting, processing and keeping. As a result, by production of seeds of improved hereditary properties we are notably inferior to foreign countries, although the resources of selected elite trees can be practically used at no allowance for creation of seed selection objects. The problems of the further development of forest selection have been set out in the publication “The experience of creation and problems of development of forest selection of UGSC in Siberia”, Novosibirsk-Tomsk, 2008, 140 pp. It was edited by initiative of the former head of Siberian laboratory of RIFGS Dr. Sc. Agr. Kulakov V.Ye. (now as a researcher of the Center of Forest Protection). This monograph was devoted to 35-th anniversary of development of UGSC in Siberia, the edition has been sponsored by Limited Company “Gruntproduct”. In this monograph different approaches have been proposed to the methods of forest selection including disputable ones but disserving attention, because these methods have been put for discussion by specialists grieving about conservation of timber resources of Russia. In addition to scientific materials, the practical and organizational proposals have been stated such as the creation of monitoring system of objects of UGSC, forming of gene bank of forest species, working out informational resources on subject matter of forest selection, including as well possible trends of private structures activity of small business. Such structures deal with scientific and selective work such as arboretum of planting material including that of selective significance. The work in question is performed both at the expense of state order as well as realization of planting material to the objects of forest husbandry and inhabitants, growing and spreading of high-yielding ornamental varieties of forest species, elaboration and publication of methods, technologies, chemical preparations, special equipment and mechanisms. Because of elimination of branch research institutions the published information had taken on unique significance. It should be brought to notice of broad sections of specialists in forestry. Undoubtedly, this fact will favour substantiation the priority guidelines in the development of forest selection. The toolbox of such a substantiation should become the information banks destined for accumulation and maintenance in current state the information about all the seed-selecting and seed-growing objects. This is one of the trends of elaborations of small business enterprises.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition